We Share One Life, We Are One Life
Simply put, Love happens,
and you are part of it.
Love often is hidden, and the contemplative path has led it to become more hidden for me. What does this mean, for it sounds contrary to the nature of Love, at least as commonly understood?
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I have often recalled an inspiring Scripture from my youth, found in the Christian Bible, "By Love, serve one another." This wise teaching has oft served as reminder and inspiration to serve, and not only serve, but serve from Love. Still, the passage is limited, in that this speaks to a serving of those within the faith community being addressed by the writer. What happens when Love guides to love equally those outside the group of the so-called chosen ones? or right ones, at least in their own eyes? If the nature of Love is to transcend separation, the natural path of Love is to serve in Love those we were told are outside our way, our group, our being-right. Love expands its circle of inclusiveness, until there is no circle; Love is a Center everywhere.
An irony of the contemplative wisdom in relationship to Love is this: Love will become less consciously present and a motivation in thought as one is drawn more into the Life of Spirit, the Center. Why? Love arising as a motive from the self, or sense-of-I, is limited by self-awareness. As one is drawn into Grace more deeply, one is drawn more from self-awareness; so, Love as thought and felt-experience shifts more into the "background," simply for one is un-self-consciously acting from Love and for Love. There arises a union of Love and act. You no longer depend on the thought or felt-experience of Love as a motivation to love by Love. Simply put, Love happens, and you are part of it. The thought of Love was a veil between self and act, now act is pure of the thought and, so, oneed with Love purely, freely.
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Grace and Peace to All
The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You
*Lotus of the Heart is a work of Brian K. Wilcox.
*Move cursor over photos for photographer and photo name.